3 Life Lessons I’ve Learned From Practicing Yoga and Witchcraft

3 Life Lessons I’ve Learned From Practicing Yoga and Witchcraft

A different sort of alchemy occurs when I bring mysticism and reverence for the natural world to my practice. I began experimenting with witchcraft not...
Blood Type and Your Heart Understanding the Vital Connection

Blood Type and Your Heart: Understanding the Vital Connection

Your blood type can enhance your risks of certain health conditions. Here's what you should know. You wouldn't know it from looking at us, but...
Expert Advice on Surviving a Heart Attack in Hot Weather

Expert Advice on Surviving a Heart Attack in Hot Weather

When you or a loved one experience a heart attack, time is of the essence. Here's what to do. The US has experienced record high temperatures over...
AI Model Can Listen to Your Keystrokes With 95% Accuracy

AI Model Can Listen to Your Keystrokes With 95% Accuracy

In a concerning revelation, researchers from the UK demonstrate the vulnerability of keystroke security, emphasizing the ease with which an AI model named CoAtNet...
Pregnancy Nutrition 2

Pregnancy Nutrition: What Foods to Avoid When Pregnant (P2)

To guide you through this crucial phase, we've compiled a comprehensive list of foods to avoid and those that require caution during pregnancy. Whether...
High Blood Pressure Variability and Dementia Risk What You Need to Know

High Blood Pressure Variability and Dementia Risk: What You Need to Know

As we age, the concern for cognitive health becomes increasingly important. Recent research has shed light on a potential link between high blood pressure...
Can a Skin Care Routine Count as a Mindfulness Practice

Can a Skin Care Routine Count as a Mindfulness Practice?

Taking care of your skin is often seen as a routine task, but what if it could be more than that? What if your...
The Link Between High Salt Consumption and Type 2 Diabetes Risk

The Link Between High Salt Consumption and Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Type 2 diabetes is a prevalent health concern globally, affecting millions and contributing to a significant number of deaths each year.  While traditionally, attention has...
6 Ways to Deal with Injury, Illness, and Aging as an Athlete (or as Anyone, Really)

6 Ways to Deal with Injury, Illness, and Aging as an Athlete (or as...

In the world of sports and physical activity, dealing with injury, illness, and aging is an inevitable part of the journey. Whether you're a...
Eye Drop Products

FDA Recall: 27 Eye Drop Products Pose Bacterial Infection Risk

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning about a voluntary recall of 27 over-the-counter eye drop products due to potential contamination,...